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Deseret News Article: 2 Authors in the Family

The Deseret News posted a really nice article today about me and my dad entitled:

by Trent Toone



Gerald Lund reads to his three youngest children (Rebecca Belliston on right)


Deseret News: “Growing up as the daughter of best-selling author Gerald N. Lund, Rebecca Belliston heard the question countless times:

“Are you going to be a writer like your dad?”

She had watched her father’s fingers work the keyboard for hours and was entertained by his books… 

Three novels later, with two more in the works, Belliston, a Michigan mother of five, has embraced the author’s life. Father and daughter have always been close, but their shared interest in the written word is evidence that cultivating common interests and spending time together can strengthen family relationships.


1 Typewriter used to write first Lund novels given to Rebecca Belliston

Typewriter used to write first Lund books given to Rebecca Belliston

“We all love our families, but that love is developed and maintained as we spend time together,” Belliston said. “Having common hobbies or interests provides a chance to let our relationships flourish. It gives us something to talk about, laugh about, brainstorm over and just enjoy together. It gives us a chance to bond.”



3 Joint Book Signing Deseret Book SLC

Joint Book Signing Deseret Book SLC


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