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Gratitude Is So Much More Than Thankfulness



This time of year, all of us tend to reflect on the good things–the great things–in our life.

I teach an early-morning Bible class in my church where high school students come every day before school to learn the New Testament. I love it for so, so, so many reasons.

This morning’s lesson was on the Ten Lepers from Luke 17, where Christ heals ten lepers, but only one stops to thank him.

As part of it, I came across the quote:

This Thanksgiving season, I’m going to take my thankfulness one step further and try to change it to gratitude. I live a very blessed and happy life. Hopefully my ACTS to others will show my gratitude to my Savior. He has given me so much.

What things are you going to do to have a Happy Thanksgiving? Any fun or meaningful traditions you want to share?

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