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I Geek Being an Author


The White Lake Library in Michigan hosted a local author event last weekend, and they were nice enough to let me join the other 17 authors from Southeast Michigan.

Like other events, I met some amazing people, both authors and readers.  I have to say, this is a perk of being an author I didn’t anticipate. I’ve have thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and talking about books, books, and more books.

It’s awesome!

During the event, the library filmed each author talking about their book(s).

Here’s my video:

Let me just say, there’s a reason I’m an author, not an actress. Okay, there are several reasons, some more obvious than others. But one of the main reasons is I am a million times more comfortable behind a computer screen than a camera. Heck, it took me nine months to get comfortable explaining my books to complete strangers. Doing it on camera was like…well…like taking a final exam with people you respect, adore, and want to speak to you again watching you the whole time.

You think you can talk about your own book? Prove it. Under duress. 

I’m being a little silly. I wasn’t under duress. It’s the nerves talking.


As part of the GEEK THE LIBRARY campaign, the library gave me two cool pictures to thank me for coming. They now hang on my fridge because I truly geek being an author. 

Love it!

Btw, THANKS!!!! friends and readers who came out to support me at the library. You guys are the best!

Side note: After hearing my stunning description of SADIE, I’m sure you want to give it to everyone you know for Christmas, right?  Well, you’re in luck!

SADIE is 50% off at Deseret Book right now!

While I might be the tiniest bit biased, it’s a great read for Christmas. It’s set over Christmas break and has fun stuff like skiing, roasting marshmallows, and cozy fires.  Get it 50% off here.

If you live anywhere near me, email me and I’d be happy to sign it for you or your friends. If you don’t live near me and don’t mind shipping it to me, the same thing applies. Just drop me a note. My email is on my bio page.


Have a good one!

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