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'tis sweet to sing medley

Medley of "'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love" and "Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King"


This year, I've been studying the Old Testament in church, and I feel like I'm learning so much about the Savior in doing so — specifically in studying the Passover this week. The symbolism with the Savior's atoning sacrifice that He made for me (and you) is so powerful to me. So when I came across these two hymns, the words really spoke to how grateful I've been feeling for my Savior, my Redeemer, and my Friend.



’Tis sweet to sing the matchless love of Him who left his home above

And came to earth—oh, wondrous plan— to suffer, bleed, and die for man!

For Jesus died on Calvary, that all thru Him might ransomed be.

Then sing hosannas to His name; let heav’n and earth His love proclaim.

Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King!

Triumphant over death, life Thou didst bring,

Leaving Thy Father’s throne, on earth to live,

Thy work to do alone, Thy life to give.

Oh, blessed hour! communion sweet! When children, friends, and teachers meet

And, in remembrance of His grace, unite in sweetest songs of praise.

For Jesus died on Calvary, that all thru Him might ransomed be.

Then sing hosannas to His name; let heav’n and earth His love proclaim.

Life evermore we’ll know through Thee, our Friend.

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